Some beach. . .somewhere
I’m taking a mental health day today. I hadn’t planned on it, but after I got to the clinic I just didn’t really feel up to being there. So Ruth told me to go home.
I protested, and told her that I was sure she couldn’t get by without me and that I felt bad because I just had a day off yesterday and was given some partial days off previously for random reasons, and asked her what I was going to do next year when I had a real job that I couldn’t just take off when I felt like it.
She said, yeah, but next year I’ll be able to make my own decisions, won’t live in a tiny apartment with roommates I didn’t choose, will get to have fun, will be able to choose how I get fed spritually, will be able to take *actual* time off, will live in a situation where not EVERYTHING is work (aka I’ll work 8 to 5 instead of all freakin’ day), etc. And she’s right, of course. And I appreciate her generosity and not having to be at the clinic.
I'm sorry things are hard right now, I wish they weren't. There's not much to say; people are jerks and selfish no matter where they come from, and not likely to be nice even to those offering grace. My hope is that you can keep going, and not lose it yet. I know you are strong, but also in a tough spot. Fly down some weekend and remember who you are, if you can. I'll try to invent some excuse or something. I'm grateful for you, and what you've done for me in our time. Endure a little longer, you're almost there.
I'll keep you in my thoughts,
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