Good art Gone bad

Apparently, some years ago, a crazy nationalist took a hammer to this priceless work of art, and while the Vatican artists were able to restore the statue to a state very near its original condition, it now sits in an inaccessible place, one that makes it difficult for the viewer to become immersed in the art.
What is it about people that makes us so destructive to the things we love most?
Have you noticed this trend? We love land, so we overdevelop and therefore destroy it. We love our children, so we spoil them into little brats who can’t handle it when they don’t get what they want. We’re the most horrible to the people closest to us because we can get away with it, and if we tried that crap at the office or in public we’d get fired or shot.
B says that we all have a gene that makes us want to complicate our lives. Sometimes I think she’s right.
Do you agree? What is it?
P.S.~Hey, Scoots, I met your parents at church today. Just thought you'd like to be prepared for when they call you up and talk to you about how ridiculously good-looking I am. ;-)
The call has already been made. We didn't talk very long, though, because it got embarrassing when they just kept going on and on, so I had to put a stop to it. I didn't want them coming after you with a hammer or anything.
Want to see something strange? Google this:
rhode island neither a road nor an island snl
and see what you get.
Dude, that is totally awesome! And your blog was FIRST on the list of websites that Google returned. You are famous!
P.S.~How did you find that out? Too much free time? Or did you figure it out via a sitemeter?
sitemeter. it keeps track of "referring pages".
maybe one of these days I'll post a list of the most interesting referrals.
Yeah, when I log on at work, my sitemeter lists my location as that of our Congregation of Nuns in Houston.
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