My So-Called Life

Saturday, July 02, 2005

T.E. Update

I realize that I probably didn’t paint a very nice picture of T.E. when I wrote about her yesterday. So let me say that she really does want to do what God wants, and she really does enjoy her job and tries to do it well. I guess she just gets a little lost on the way sometimes, as we all do. (And like I told her yesterday, just because your motivation is right doesn’t mean your decisions are. But sometimes the right motivation is all we have, I guess.)

I think perhaps the responsibility for the problems she and I have had relating to each other belongs to both of us. I haven’t been very open with her, have largely held her at arm’s length, and she hasn’t found a way to speak to me in my language.

So what now? Well, not much. I write weekly reflections because I promised to, and she lets me be. I think that’s a wonderful setup for now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly, I kinda laugh when I read the parts about her side of the conversation because she sounds like me. Being emotional is hard, especially when you're trying to communicate with someone who isn't emotional. Look who I'm married to! :)

From what you said I agree that she wants to do a really good job, and she wants to communicate with you but can't because you didn't open up to her about a lot so as to not get in trouble and so now she can't communicate with you because she doesn't know the real you, just the part of you that wants to break the rules. (Whew, that was a long sentence, but I don't feel like editing.)

I also agree however that the weekly reflection writings seem a little over the top in the list of all your responsibilities, and I don't blame you for stopping writing them especially when she didn't respond with a good reason to keep doing them.

I think you came up with a great compromise. I respect you for agreeing to write them for these last few weeks.

On a lighter note...I enjoyed your neighborhood party pictures. I bet that was a lot of fun!

1:47 PM  
Blogger Matthew said...

Wow. Your sister-in-law is totally hot.

2:24 PM  
Blogger A. Lo said...

WOULD YOU QUIT FLIRTING WITH YOUR WIFE ON MY BLOG?! Flirt with her on your OWN blog! Or go into the next room and flirt with her!

Pretty soon I'm going to be getting that thing in my stomach. Or leaving nasty comments on your blog. Or coming to your house to kick your butt; you'd better watch out, I weigh a lot more now, I can totally take you. Jerkface.

5:23 PM  
Blogger Matthew said...

I think I'm hurt. I'm going to burst into tears right now.

Yep, there are tears all over my keyboard. Sniff. Now don't you feel like a bad person?

9:13 AM  
Blogger A. Lo said...

Okay, now you're LYING on my blog. Don't YOU feel like a bad person?

(And no, I don't feel bad. If you were snotting on your keyboard, maybe.)

6:52 PM  

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