My So-Called Life

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Things in my life that have changed since 9/3/04

In no particular order:
1. I know how to knit.
2. When I say, "eating out," I now refer to McDonald's. (And, yes, eating out is still a treat.)
3. Going to Wal-Mart is also a treat, and I can no longer just waltz in and buy what I want.
4. I wear my hair in pigtails. Every day.
5. My friends in the area consist largely of homeless men and seven year-olds.
6. I only drink Dr. Pepper every other day.
7. I have developed an allergic reaction to California, I think.
8. I live under a "no dating rule, but am getting more action than I did this summer (namely hugs and kisses from homeless guys, but hey, it counts).
9. I miss things that, up until now, I have taken for granted. (More on that later, perhaps.)
10. I am now wondering how I am supposed to live the rest of my life, if I should adhere to this lifestyle or not.
11. I have seen the grosest sores, cuts and burns that I ever hope to see (but know I will probably see more.)
12. I have discovered that I have a pretty strong stomach (see #11).
13. I have now been "proposed to" by a homeless man and told by another that he and his friend will take me and my partner Ruth dancing.
14. I'm learning to be open and vulnerable with people I hardly know.
15. I'm learning new things about sarcasm and the word "fun."


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