Roommates and Weddings (Is that my whole life?!)
Kristi and I bonded today with a trip to IKEA, Old Navy, Williams Sonoma, Anne Taylor Loft and some ice cream. It was a good day.
Last night was good, too, because Emily, Kristi and I bonded over some hard-and-fast rule-breaking. It was good times!
Kristi is ready to be done with our program as well as I am. Except that I’ve been feeling this way since September. I thought you’d enjoy an excerpt from her blog (Wish I could do that cool block-quote thing that Matt does on his blog, but those HTML buttons aren't supported on a Mac.):
“ways in which this year is extreme ( or makes/ made me extreme)
- extremely into reading the Bible
- extremely into sugar, fat, and caffeine
- extremely into going against stupid mission year guidelines
- extremely lonely
- extremely introverted
- extremely bored in the evenings
- extremely routine
- extremely aware of my current surroudings
- extremely able to tune out things i don't want to listen to (sometimes)
- extremely giving
- extremely appreciative
somewhere these last couple of weeks there's a shift thats been happening. where before i use to love my nights and weekends to pursue reading, journaling, knitting, and any other little projects i could think up, now i hate all this freakin time. i'd rather be at school or the shelter. at least time moves a little quicker when i'm there and i feel slightly productive. most nights this week i've been going crazy. it doesn't help that our neighbors play their music so loud we can feel it. i think we've now gotten the reputation for being those bitchy girls who tell anyone whose wall connect to the theirs to turn their damn music down.
what is wrong with me. is this what 8 months of deprived living looks like?
i guess i get " inner-city living" a little better, and why people get so fed up with other people."
::The rest of this post has been removed by the author for her own personal safety. More on that later.::
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