My So-Called Life

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Good times

I got to spend some time last night and this morning with two of my four college roommates, and it was a blast. One of the things the evening accomplished was to introduce me to the videos on To see them, click on the link and then look on the left-hand side of the page. On the top of that montage is a picture of an old-timey film projector. (If you hold your mouse over it, you'll see the word "media" pop up on the page.) Click on the film projector and then choose "videos." Go to page two and watch all four of the Jesus Videos. They're GREAT! (For some reason when I try to link directly to them it takes forever to "buffer." If I had paid more attention in Electronic Publishing, I would probably know how to fix this, but I didn't. So I don't. I suppose if you don't have the brainpower to follow these instructions then you wouldn't find the videos funny, anyway.)

Another thing it did was give me a chance to spend some time with people who know me and take a break from trying to build community from the ground up. Wow, that felt really nice. (It's nice to tell a group about how a guy recently tried to pursue me at record speed and just have them understand that anyone pursuing me has to move ultra-slow. Like FEMA-slow.)

Someone asked me if I'd do high school over again, and the answer was: no way. High school wasn't bad, it just wasn't great. College, however. . .now THAT was great.

And I also got to talk with one of them about her increasingly interesting love life. It has always been weird to me that she never really dated. . .in high school or college. This never made sense, because she is one of the cutest, funniest, deepest, well-rounded people I know. Perhaps there just weren't many guys who could keep up with her? Regardless, there is someone interested in her now, and that makes me very excited! If she can find someone as cool as she is, then there's definitely hope for the rest of us.

Speaking of the rest of us, more than one of my coworkers has told me lately that I'll definitely get married because I am "so cute." What does this mean? It's meant to be a compliment, I know, but does this mean that only non-cute people are single? This can't be true, because I have certainly seen a lot of unattractive married people (and attractive single people). It's just aonther one of those things that people say that doesn't really mean anything, I think.

I've decided to keep a running list of meaningless things that I've heard Christians say, because I find them very interesting. First on the list is "God placed a call on his life." What does that mean? Did his cell phone ring and was God on the other line? It means nothing, except perhaps connotatively. Feel free to add to the list.


Blogger FeedingYourMind said...

Oh my gosh! I love you A.Lo! You crack me up!

My list of favorite parts of this entry:

--"anyone pursuing me has to move ultra-slow. Like FEMA-slow"

--"If she can find someone as cool as she is, then there's definitely hope for the rest of us."

--"This can't be true, because I have certainly seen a lot of unattractive married people (and attractive single people)."

--"I've decided to keep a running list of meaningless things that I've heard Christians say, because I find them very interesting."

--"Did his cell phone ring and was God on the other line?"

Sorry I couldn't add to your list of "Christian sayings" but I made my own list instead! ;)

7:48 PM  
Blogger A. Lo said...

Aw, thanks, Kim! You're so encouraging! Pretty soon my head's going too big to fit into that baseball cap I stole from my roomate junior year.

Didja watch the Jesus videos? I think you'd like those, too.

7:05 AM  
Blogger Matthew said...

Item the first:
The Jesus videos were freaking hilarious. Jesus' voice is the best. Except for maybe Peter's voice. Extra candy in your Easter basket this year.

Item the second:
Any meaningless church-speak list should include the following...

(Does "We'll be meeting for an evening of fellowship" really mean anything different than "We'll be meeting for an evening?")

"The World"
(As in, "we're supposed to be different than the world," which I translate to, "we're never supposed to let 2/3 of our surface be covered by water.")

(As in "God wants relationship." Mmm ... yeah. What does this tell me, really? Maybe the kind of relationship God wants is the one where I live in Phoenix and God lives in Seattle, and I send God a Christmas card every year, and God sends me a fruitcake.)

9:07 AM  
Blogger A. Lo said...

If God started sending me a fruitcake every Christmas, then I really would doubt his inherent goodness. I mean, couldn't he spring for a nice box of chocolates?

10:17 AM  
Blogger scoots said...

It's nice to tell a group about how a guy recently tried to pursue me at record speed and just have them understand that anyone pursuing me has to move ultra-slow. Like FEMA-slow.

OK, so I'll be moving shortly to Boston, should be there about 5 years, then, hopefully i'll be moving back to Texas, perhaps Abilene. Maybe we should hang out or something when I get there.

Incidentally, if you want to do something that feels slow, try signing up for a new blog so you can drop a simple post on someone else's site.

6:21 PM  
Blogger A. Lo said...

Maybe we should hang out or something when I get there.

Promises, promises.

(I can't think of anything my Mom would like more, though.)

1:59 PM  
Blogger scoots said...

oooooh, I *really* want to make a "Matt's mom" joke here ("Abby's mom" doesn't have the same bite), but I'll bet she reads this blog.

Whew, good thing I caught myself in time on that one.

9:02 PM  
Blogger A. Lo said...

Nah, she's not allowed to read the blog.

Too bad my name's not Stacey. That would have a better ring, especially if you were to talk about how my mom's got it goin' on. Somebody should write a song about that. . .

2:18 PM  
Blogger FeedingYourMind said...

Okay, so I watched the vintage21 videos this morning....

...GRRRRRRRRRRRREAT! Those were hilarious! Thanks for sharing them and reminding me to go watch them...HA!

8:47 AM  

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