To Anonymous
(If you are wondering what this is, see "New Haircut" comments).
Thanks for your post and your interest in my blog. It was. . .slightly provocative. But I have to say that I don't think you will date me. In fact, I'm almost positive. Here are some reasons why and my reply to your post:
1.) Yes, I am funny in person, but I also happen to be smart. Are YOU smart in person?
2.) Thank you.
3.) Here's a tip for you and just one reason I don't think you'll date me. I appreciate your honesty, but don't think I know you well enough to take any kind of criticism from you. Let's be honest, I don't take it very well from people I know. If, in the future, you would like to date someone else, you should ALWAYS tell them that their current style is vastly superior to their old, at least at first; it will get them interested enough to keep talking to you. Me? All of a sudden not so interested, especially because I assumed you would know that I have no intention of wearing my hair straight or shiny. Did you read the "Deal with it" post? I like it the way it is, and I'm pretty sure that if you were going to date me, you would understand that simple fact.
4.) What is "faux mockery?" Around here we call that "sarcasm." And you are right, you would have to know me better to "mock in seriousness." (I'm not sure I know what that means, either, but I'm still sure you'd need to know me better.)
5.) I have never seen Open Water, but I still sometimes wonder who God is, too, and who I am in relation to Him. Would you like to tell me about your chilling news? I'm open to discussion about that (just not my hair, lol).
6.) I can appreciate the polemical. But you still must know that you have not yet, nor ever will, have any effect on my panties. Just to keep things straight.
7.) And I say yet again: no effect, regardless of intention.
8.) No, not so clear.
9.) Pretty sure you won't date me.
10.) Signed,
Vá para o Iraque!
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