Oh no, I need to go out and find me a man!
Recently, around my grandmother's table, we had a short yet lively discussion about Focus on the Family. I said James Dobson is stupid for wasting his time on whether or not SpongeBob Squarepants is gay.
My mother, I think, said that James Dobson had some great things to say about raising children when she was raising children. That might be true, but it seems that Focus on the Family is shifting to a conservative religious group that has little meaningful to offer my generation.
If you need some proof, how 'bout this? It's in a publication of Focus on the Family.
I suggest you read it all, but here are my highglights:
Paul never held marriage and singleness to be on equal planes, and neither did
past Christians. Does that mean that marrieds and singles are not on equal planes? That my single-ness relegates me to an inferior plane?
Apparently my single state is “the result of a string of systematic impediments to marriage,” because REAL Christians are married.
Today's singleness is not celibacy-induced kingdom work unaccommodating to family life. No, it's the result of choices and mistakes by both the individual and society. Today's singleness is either a lifestyle option or purely circumstantial; therefore, it is largely unbiblical. So things that are lifestyle options or circumstantial are unbiblical? So my choice of not sticking myself in an unhappy marriage is unbiblical?
We are a generation that blinds itself to the notion that the failure to marry timely (i.e., in the Spring of our adult lives) can be as costly as a divorce. It costs someone a spouse, it robs someone of legitimate sexual relations, it deprives grandparents of their grandchildren, it fails to replenish the nursery of the church. Wow. Never have come in contact with the phrase, "replenish the nursery of the church." Yuck.
I know this proposition stings modern ears. I can think of many women, myself included at one time, who might argue, "But it's not my fault I'm single." True, most women are not to blame here as they are not the ones to bend down on one knee and propose. But being blameless cannot serve to validate an unintended outcome.
Who cares about SpongeBob? Whoever wrote this article is gay.
You are too funny. The folks down stairs in my office are wondering why I'm rolling around on the floor laughing. I'm very much in favor of an open mind and considering all opinions but that may be the most ignorant take I've ever heard. Where do they find these people?
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