My So-Called Life

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

From the "Why Do They Get Paid 100 Times More Than Me?" File

So yesterday and today via email, some of my friends and I started a list of our least-favorite celebrities (just for fun, I guess). Here they are, in no particular order (with some comments still attached):

The Baldwin Brothers (all of them)
Mariah Carey
Kanye West
LeeLee Sobowski (spelling?)
Sharon Stone
Renee Zelwegger
Dennis Rodman
Pamela Anderson
The lead singer from Creed
Kevin Costner
Drew Barrymore
Barbara Walters
Whitney Houston
Star Jones
Britney Spears
Christina Aguilera
Lindsey Lohan
Paris Hilton
Colin Farrel
Carrot Top
Charlie Sheen
Bruce Willis
Sean Penn
Tim Robbins
Tom Cruise (remember when he used to be hot? Now he is just oogy)
Paula Abdul
Leonardo DiCaprio
Nancy Grace (she is the CNN correspondent at night and has her own show....I know I am a nerd, but every time she is on CNN it makes my skin crawl...she tries to act like she is smart, but I have serious doubts)
Jesse Jackson (I think that one is pretty self is amazing how everything...and I mean EVERYTHING can be turned into a race issue)
Current President George Bush
Pat Robertson
Jerry Falwell
Rodney Dangerfield, may he rest in peace

Feel free to add yours as well!


Blogger FeedingYourMind said...


Is this list based on total package, or personality, or what?

I say that because, there are some people on that list that I love for their AMAZING talent (in whatever it is that happened to make them a "celebrity", however, as a "person" from what I get from them in like the media and such, I'm not such a fan of them. So, in that case, they would be on my list of least favorite, I suppose.

Perfect example...Mariah Carey...I LOVE her music and think she is one of the most gifted female vocalists around; however, from what I hear of her as a person, she is SOOOOO full of herself and thinks her "stuff" don't stink. Too much of a prima donna for me. HA! But like I said, I LOVE her talent!

4:47 PM  

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