My So-Called Life

Thursday, June 22, 2006

I love it!

Hey, does anybody in blog land remember that mission trip where Jackie and I had a pooping contest with Andy and Billy? We lost very badly. Long story.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Stupid Nine O'clock Hair

My family came to visit this past weekend, and we had a good time. And they helped me realize something: I like where I am right now. I like being young and single. I can do what I want when I want, and I don’t have to ask permission or worry about how someone else will feel about my choices. I can travel on the weekends or stay in bed all day–it’s completely up to me. I don't have to worry about consulting someone on which job to take or how late to work or where to live. And I like to have choices. (I think that’s one of the reasons that I dislike commitment so much.)

I mean, I had cheese and crackers for dinner tonight. Last night I had cheddar scrambled eggs and a huge bowl of Blue Bell ice cream. What can I say? It just sounded good. . .and I don’t have to worry about what anybody else wants. It’s a beautiful thing.

The only time I dislike being single, though, is around nine p.m. on weeknights. It’s about this time that I know I’m not going out again, and yet I look good. Most of the heavy makeup and lipstick of the day has worn off, I’m in my pajama pants and tank top, and my hair looks really good. What can I say? I have nine o’clock hair. And I admit, I wish there was a boy to appreciate it. Roommates just don't appreciate nine o’clock hair like they should. (Although I am glad that there’s not a boy around to see me embarrassing myself doing Yoga Booty Ballet.)

Monday, June 12, 2006

Sometimes people think I blaspheme when I tell them how I really feel about the stuff that Jesus asks us to do. Love my enemies? Go and sell all that I own? It's at this point that I want to say, "Giiirl! You doin' too much!"

Saturday, June 03, 2006

This Ain't Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood

" 'These children are in crisis,' she continued. ‘Most of them never had a chance, never got the guidance and attention they needed from adults. Is it any surprise they join gangs? The gang makes them feel part of something, it provides structure, and it gives them opportunities to prove themselves. How can we compete with the gangs if we can’t offer them something better?’ " ~True Notebooks, Mark Salzman

I’m joining the apartment ministry at church, and this coming Wed. we’re going to begin hanging out at a local apartment complex, playing with kids and stuff for the summer.

I really don’t want to do this, I have to admit. I really don’t feel like this whole "inner city work" is for me, which probably sounds weird to some of you, since I have spent at least some of the past three years doing some sort of service in that arena.

I guess I just don’t feel like it’s my spiritual gift. I’ve always been told that one way to tell you’re using your gifts is if you enjoy what you’re doing, but I don’t really enjoy it. I think the work is important, though, and am pretty sure that if I wasn’t doing it, no one else would. And I have experience, after all.

I don’t want to miss our singles’ class, either, which has recently started on Wed. nights as well. We’re talking about relationships (interpersonal and with God), and it’s pretty interesting stuff, and now I’m going to miss all the juicy stuff I’d be learning if I was there. And I always hate to think that I might be missing something.

Y’know, sometimes I’m afraid that one of my spiritual gifts is that I’m willing to do the crap that no one else is, or at least stick with the crappy jobs once I’ve taken them. I felt that way often during MY, while I was wasting away in the inner city (but learning lots of things!).

So apartment ministry, here I come. . .