Drop and give me 20!
I know, I’ve been a blogging-slacker. (But, I would like to point out that I am still way ahead of Randy in this area. C’mon, dude. I’m posting, so now it’s your turn.)
I would also like to point out that I have a good excuse for slacking, and it’s called Fitness Boot Camp (or, as I like to think of it: getting up at an ungodly hour and paying someone a lot of money to torture me).
Three times a week, I get up before 5 a.m. and make my way to a little park near my apartment so I can have my mat, weights and water set up and be sufficiently stretched before we start class with a one-mile run. After that, each workout is different. Sometimes we work our legs, or our biceps/triceps, or maybe our abs.
And these are no sissy workouts either. The day after my first Boot Camp, I couldn’t walk, and all my kind and compassionate coworkers laughed at me as I shuffled down the hall. Thanks, guys.
I also have to keep an online log of everything I eat and hand it in each week for the trainer to look over. If that’s not intimidating enough, the website that houses this log gives me a grade on what I’ve eaten. Seriously—everything I put in my mouth is ranked from an A+ to a D-. I thought I ate pretty well, but the computer does not agree. Not only do things have to be not bad for me to get a good grade, they also have to be good for me and have some sort of nutritional value. I think the worst thing I’ve logged on the computer to this point is a huge chocolate chip cookie; I think that attempting to add anything worse would cause my computer to self-destruct.
Also, we do all these workouts outside, so you can imagine how much the mosquitoes appreciate this. I am firmly convinced that these mosquitoes were raised in some sort of radioactive fluid, because they are huge and apparently pretty stealthy. I’m constantly discovering bites on my neck, legs, face, etc. I’m going to have to start bathing in that deep-woods OFF with DEET. (When my coworkers can smell me all the way down the hall, they’ll be sorry for laughing at me. . .)
And let me tell you, these early mornings are taking a toll on me. I start getting tired around 8:30 or 9 at night—people keep telling me that I’ll get used to it, but I’m not so sure. Right now I feel like an old woman.
But, on the plus side, my biceps are getting pretty intimidating, and ONE of my calves is super-defined.
If I can get through these workouts without throwing up everything I've eaten for the past two days, I can do anything!
Well, maybe right after my nap.