This morning I decided to take a trip to the grocery store to get some new laundry detergent (I think I might be allergic to the kind I'm using now, but not completely sure). However, as I went to get into my car, I noticed that the windshield was covered with ice.
"No big deal," I thought. "I'll just scrape it off!" I proceeded to use my bright yellow scraper to de-ice my windshield, but my ears started getting really cold and I realized that ice scraping is harder work than it looks. I contemplated only scraping the teeny bit on the driver's side, but figured that wouldn't be very safe. So. . .I went upstairs, put my jammies back on and turned up my heater. I love winter, but not when it involves serious ice scraping or driving in snow. You Yankess are crazy. (I hate that I sound like such a girl, but I like my ears where they are, and hate the thought of having to pick them up off the parking lot.)
This means that I have spent the majority of the day on my couch in front of my TV. This is fine with me, of course. It's one of my favorite ways to spend a Saturday.
One of the things I watched was a marathon of
#1 Single reruns. For those of you who aren't familiar with the show (and I don't know why you would be, it runs on E!), it's a reality show starring singer
Lisa Loeb, who's 37 and looking for love. She's recently out of two six-year relationships and wants to settle down without settling.
I like the show because it's real, and because she's so darn cute. Seriously. She's the kind of girl that you want to hate because she's so cute (in a non-annoying way), but you can't. Because she's so cute. If I had to pick a celebrity to befriend, it would be Lisa Loeb. And here's why:
1) She's real and down-to-earth. She doesn't want to appear in gossip columns, she just wants to meet a nice Jewish boy and get married and have babies.
2) She LOVES to eat, especially dessert. (She and one of her previous long-term boyfriends had a show on the Food Network.)
3) She admits to having a small control problem (I personally think this is okay as long as you're not trying to date someone who has the same problem--obviously I have some experience with this).
4) She is uncomfortable and feels guilty when the guy pays for a date.
5) She can push her OWN shopping cart, thank-you-very-much.
6) She's from Dallas, and her Mom still lives there. Gotta love those Texans!
I can't ever catch her show when the new episodes air, because the time conflicts with Grey's Anatomy, which I am seriously addicted to. This is partly because I work in health care and see a lot of the issues we are dealing with addressed on the show. Let me also mention that I think working in health care should afford me the opportunity to meet my own (preferably single)
Dr. McDreamy. (Even though I want you all to know that his character might not be closest to "my type.")
And speaking of health care, I have to make a confession. I miss the foot clinic. I know, I know. If you had told me a year ago that I would miss that place, I would have smiled and nodded. . .and thought to myself that you were
crazy. I'll admit that I don't miss coming home with the scent of damp, dirty feet clinging to my clothes and hair. I don't miss the charming entitlement complexes that I had the pleasure of knowing. I don't miss seeing guys I had come to love in such awful circumstances or getting proposed to by other guys who thought I was 17. But I do miss the chance to do some good, to see the effect of thirty or forty-five minutes of work. I miss the chance to pray with those guys, even if they wanted me to ask for things I knew to be almost impossible. I miss working with Ruth and the nurses. I miss the Chinese restaurant where we used to go for the
best lemon chicken EVER. I even miss having such an odd profession--it cut down on the need for stupid small talk.
I always knew, even when they annoyed me to no end, that I would miss my first graders. When I passed the little packages of Valentines in the grocery store, I missed them even more. Sweet kids. I hope they're doing okay.
It's good to know that as much as I disliked my year of MY, there are things that I miss about it. I know that there are some things I'll NEVER miss, but I really do feel like I'm making progress healing from some of the hurts I endured during the year. I don't want to be that girl who carries around baggage just because she can, because she thinks her hurts make her special, somehow. I want to be special, but for less please-tie-me-up-in-a-straight-jacket reasons.
And here's one final random thought: I'm pretty sure my involvement in the blogging world will become less frequent than it has been lately. I have been out of the office for three days, and dread the work that I'm coming back to. I know there will be TONS of it. I do appreciate the fact that it will keep me busy, though!
And it's possible that my foot-washing work helped get me my current job. My boss told me the other day that when she heard that I washed the feet of homeless men, she was pretty sure that I could handle anything. And that's important in PR (just ask the marketers at the hospital where Dick Cheney's victim was treated).